Aingecy SAAS


Admin users


Admin users are used to access the administrative system. Initially, the system comes with only 1 main user registered, and this user cannot be deleted. We recommend that you click on the "Edit" button and change the default password from 123456 to another secure password of your preference. This measure is essential to ensure the security of the system and protect your confidential information.

Choosing a strong and unique password helps prevent unauthorized access and ensures that only authorized individuals have access to the administrative system. Be sure to keep the password in a secure place and do not share it with third parties to ensure the integrity of your system and the data stored within it.

Add new admin user

To add new users, use the "Add new admin user" button to register new administrators on the site. You can define specific permissions for these new users. For example, you can create a user with access only to the BLOG module, or create a user to assist in sales management, granting specific permissions for these functions and restricting other options.

This flexibility allows you to control the level of access and responsibilities for each user, ensuring that tasks are distributed efficiently and securely. By defining custom permissions for each administrator, you ensure that only relevant information and functionalities are available for each role, maintaining the security and integrity of the system. This approach also facilitates collaboration among different team members, allowing each one to perform their specific functions without undue interference in other areas of the site.